Hi everyone! Mimi is in the building! Well, for now at least. I’ve been a victim of a very serious problem that was going around for the last few weeks.
It gave me ample time to play more single player orientated games, but it’s all good (somewhat). My personal data wasn’t anything I worried about…. sure enough I changed my password the MOMENT all PS3 users were prompted to do so. In the future I hope hackers do this to Microsoft so for ONCE in MS’s life they can give some compensation to their customer base (like free games from the Arcade or even Gold subscriptions).
Also, another reason for being away… this week is ACEN!!! (Anime Central for those nor familiar with it). The Midwest anime convention that I look forward to every year and you can best believe I went HARD this year with planning. I’ve gotten THREE cosplays together this time!
Integra Wingates (Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate) which is recycled from last year.
Rakshata Chawla (Code Geass), the new edition to the cosplay team of tanned ladies in anime. She’s everyone’s favorite mad scientist, so why not?
And last, Ramona Flowers, the girl whom you’ll fight seven evil exes in order to prove your love! Or because you were unknowingly challenged online and ignored it.
I’ve got a lot going on, between planning cosplays, making hotel arrangements, parking and food… and THEN struggling to have spending funds for the Dealer Hall/Artist Alley. It’s enough to drive one insane… but it’s well worth it in the end. I’ll be telling everyone about my trip when I get back J
What else is going on? Where are the GAMES you say? Hmph… I managed to FINALLY play (or watch it being played) the first Uncharted, in which I must now borrow the second one. It’s a damn enjoyable game. I also now have Sims 3 for PS3 (I love the Sims, a guilty pleasure), SingStar Volumes 1 & 2, and my own copy of Super Street Fighter IV. Soon to be in my collection will be L.A Noire, Mortal Kombat, Alice: Madness Returns, Catherine. I ‘m looking forward to finally getting around to some titles I’ve been meaning to play AND seriously hoping that the PSN is back up completely by the end of May. I’ve got my eye on Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (VI) PSOne Classics for my digital collection.
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