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Monday, March 21, 2011

Holy Geezus, An ACTUAL Review (or Two)

It’s been awhile, but I’m going back to my regular posting
after almost a month hiatus. I’ve been playing games in that time (obviously),
juggling around a few titles that have recently caught my attention and
interest. Here are a few “quick reviews”, just overall what I think of recent

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – 8/10
Reason #1: I for one miss the old layout of at LEAST 50+
characters to choose from, but in this day and age of DLC, we all know this is
an opportunity to grab more money from the gamer’s wallet. The recent release
of Jill and Shuma is a testament that if we want all our beloved characters in
game, we’re gonna have to pay the price.
Reason #2: The battle system. Even I, who was TERRIBLE at
MVC1 and MVC2 knows it was dumbed down for an easier controller scheme.
Understandable yes, but it’s dumbed down so much that it only takes a few
hours/days of practice to whip your favorite team into shape for competition.
Speaking of which…
Reason #3: ONLINE PLAY. The story mode is just not
satisfying at all and the game itself is more orientated for online play. That’s
all fine and dandy, but what about the epic story that could have come from
this franchise? The past games of MVC did not have the best storylines, not at
all, but with the large array of characters and battle system/control setup it
was a hell of a lot more entertaining than a few rounds of “arcade mode”.
Overall the execution of the game is excellent and I was
happy to have bought the Collector’s Edition, but I’ll be damned if I wasn’t
just a little disappointed by the minimal effort put into single player mode
and the large focus of online play.

Little Big Planet2 – 9/10
Now, while I may have just gotten a PS3 this year, I am not
at all new to its exclusives. I enjoyed LBP as one of the first I played on the
system. It’s fun, innovative, and just plain frickin’ cute. Because of these
reasons, when I was given LBP2, I will say I had a squeal of joy burst forth from
my mouth as I took the case. Why should YOU be playing this?
Reason #1: Improvements! The story mode of the game was
light, entertaining, and the puppet-like characters actually have voices AND
personality. I was in shock to realize I had gradually come to like, even
partly love, the simple story behind LBP2 and the adventure that awaits your
Sackboy. That being said, the “Create A World” tool was simplified enough so
that a n00b like myself could toy around with it. Even if you have no interest
in making a world for publishing, the game gently nudges you to try it out
(with a few trophies to give that little push).
Reason #2: The online was enhanced enough so that the worlds
created in the first game are indeed playable if you have LBP2, so there is no
need to go out and buy both at all, unless you just want that shiny copy of
GOTY Edition sitting in your collection. The new tools to create new worlds
also make for great levels, since there is a LARGE deal of customization.
Reason #3: SACKBOTS!!! They’re cute when they’re afraid and
running away or following you like lovesick puppies. ‘Nuff said.
These are just the games in February I played relentlessly,
with a few older titles between. I did finish Red Dead Redemption and I greatly
encourage those who haven’t picked up that title yet to GET IT. You will love
the story, the gameplay, the characters, even the horses. Yes, the horses. Also, if anyone has never played Killzone 2, you should (if you own a PS3). I mean it. It's a damn good shooter game and I for one, who has trouble with the controller-scheme (I've been spoiled by the 360 for far too long), enjoy it when I do pop it in and give it a go.
Next Post: Dragon Age II


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