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Friday, June 3, 2011

The Summer of RPG's!!! And Other Ramblings!!!

I did mention in my last post that I was going to Anime Central and… HAD A FREAKING BLAST!!! Did two of my planned cosplays, Ramona Flowers and Rakshata Chawla, and got props for both characters during random intervals of the con. It’s a shame my boyfriend is “intimidating” and scares off congoers so they’re reluctant to ask for a photo. I strongly encourage people to make plans for ACen 2012, if you’re going to be in the nearby Chicago area next April. You’ll have fun, meet other otaku, and build up a base of friends with the same interests. 

Now onto some gaming news…

I’ve officially finished the Metal Gear series (yes I know, YEARS later) but I played ONLY MGS4 on PS3. The other main titles I had carefully watched and took note of the story/characters/strategy as my sweet manly-man played them for me to see the awesomeness that is METAL GEAR. And along with other games I’ve wanted to SEE, but not play… Uncharted. Yes yes, bad Mimi. “Uncharted is awesome!” Awesome indeed, but if anyone has ever played Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, there is good reason why I shy away from temple raiding games. I am enjoying it as a dear friend of mine is playing through it for herself. She’s psyched for the third installment this year :D

So I can cross off Metal Gear from my list along with Uncharted and F.E.A.R.  I have declared this summer the “Summer of RPG’s” as it seems the only time to work on a game that consumes hundreds of hours is the summer. So, I’m looking at most (if not all) of the RPG’s on my list for PS3 and 360. That does not mean I will ignore other titles, but my main focus will be role-playing games. 

I do leave this post with one question… (answer here in the comments or on my Facebook fanpage)

What are YOU picking up this summer and why?